Once again the illustrious Madamwhipass shoots from the hip with yours truly Lance Scurv and cracks her whip to expose the unacceptable behaviors of those in the trusted position of leadership who take advantage of the gullible flock who feel that their leaders can do no wrong!
This is a highly recommended humorous listen! Enjoy!
I see those cartels stole my chair.
Prophet for sure…..Creflo just happen to not be there. Wow…..
I see those cartels stole my chair.
Where will you find Christians bold enough to discuss these sensitive issues??? It's like most have been intimidated by the misinterpretation of that scripture "touch not my my anointed". I raised this issue once and I was told that same line and not to go any further on the subject beacuse God had given those preachers a "special grace". I wonder where they got that perverted doctrine from. Listen folks! Satan is hijacking the church leadership and spreading his vile influence. If we don't wake up and start holding our leaders to higher standards, very soon the devil will strike the shepherds and limit the spread of the GOSPEL through scandals.
Those of you who idolize your preachers, their blood will be on your heads when the time of judgement comes. So repent!
I don't speak as a perfect man. I speak as one who sincerely desires the perfect life of God to be manifest in his life.
Lance, Madam Whipass, thanks for having the courage to speak the truth!