Friday, November 3rd 2011 at 10 p.m.
Call in Number: 760-259-2310
Here is the widget to click and play this ultra dynamic, informative and extremely entertaining show:
Why is it that so many of us just don’t have a clue on what it takes to please our woman? Why is it that too many of us think that it is all about our sex organs or oral skills when it comes to having our mates walking on cloud nine?
Whatever happened to the true intimate connectedness that comes from the total commitment that many of us seem to ignore.
Why is it that we as men forget time and time again that if we took care of our responsibilities, that the loving would come at us in every conceivable angle because the first rule of the thumb is that our woman needs to be secured?
This will be yet another rapid fire shoot from the hip brutally honest show in the LanceScurv style that you have grown to love &appreciate each and every time. Join us as we go deep into what it is that the ladies crave and need to once again feel whole again. Ladies, this is your chance to speak out to the world what you have been feeling for far too long inside. And gentlemen, while your participation is crucial, it would be best to pick up those pens or pencils and do a whole lot of note taking because on the LanceScurv Talk Show SCHOOL IS IN!
…….and to tell you the truth even I will be taking notes too! LOL!
Make sure to read the blog that inspired the title of this show as it will make all who attend understand where I am coming from and will definitely be a great starting point for our discussion, here is the link:
Here is an except to whet your appetite if you are unable to go to the link at this time:
Finding and keeping a good woman is like cultivating a garden, but let me say this: there are no bad women out there in the world……just women who have been cultivated badly and not put in the right environment for the maximum growth and full realization into their divine purpose…therefore, while it may appear that they possess a major attitude problem, it’s not an attitude, it’s just an emotional scar or scab healed incompletely from the wounds inflicted from a man who may have been thoughtless, self centered, selfish or outright abusive. It’s that simple! So do not be so quick to tell ANY woman that she has “issues”………
If what she had to go through to make it to this point in her life brought on these “issues”, then what about the abusive ‘so called” fathers or uncles who took from her something that was meant for a future husband or these “jive time wanna be players” who wasted their time over and over again leaving them heartbroken with a lot of broken dreams, empty pockets, painful memories and less time on the clock, wouldn’t she have the RIGHT to be pissed?
As you can see, you don’t have to be a veteran of war to have post traumatic stress disorder, these boys who prance the earth masquerading as real men and only caught up in the physical functions of their dicks are enough to send any sane, well meaning and innocent good woman over the edge, so do try to handle her with a care and and a deep understanding of what she might have had to endure when approaching your sister in every situation, our women are HURTING!