While an exact figure or statistic is literally impossible to pin down in the ever increasing divorce rates, most would agree that the seemingly doomed traditional institution of marriage in our modern society has not overall been the most popular option utilized when embarking on a committed relationship in recent years.
The question is WHY?
Why do many prefer to remain single in a day and age when the protection that comes from the institution of marriage almost guarantees that those involved will never be forced to experience the risks of living single in this deceptive disease ridden world that we live in today?
Why do many individuals feel as though being married even guarantees this protection as it seems that it is married people who are running around with no sense of commitment more so than their single counterparts?
Are there individuals involved in a dedicated and faithful union that have no “piece of paper” between them that are more secure and functional than those who actually have a marriage license yet really don’t have anything more than an empty husk or facade of a marriage but is about as real as a cardboard cutout?
These are a few of the MANY questions we hope to answer and discuss this Friday night on The LanceScurv Talk Show and we invite everyone to listen in on and participate in this very touchy subject that is guaranteed to not only inform and empower, but also will be extremely entertaining.
And if you haven’t already heard, on Friday nights, we ALWAYS let it all hang out!
Showtime: December 16,2011 @ 10 p.m. E.S.T.
Place: The LanceScurv Talk Show <—–Click Here To Go To The Showpage
Call In Number: 760-259-2310
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