Let’s face it, we all have a breaking point on what we will and will not tolerate within the confines of our relationships. It’s just that most individuals are different from one another in what they WILL tolerate. One woman or man’s comfort zone is another person’s breaking point.
This in itself is a very interesting observation because there are many factors that go into making us the individuals that we are and therefore what we will settle for in our personal lives.
Some people will abandon a romantic union at the first hint of foul play while others will hold on to the illusion of what could be far to long and sometimes bring themselves into an early demise merely because they wouldn’t let go!
Tonight we will share our personal limits of what we will allow to happen and why and pretty much debate on what a mate will do that is considered going a bit too far in crossing that line into the forbidden zone.
Stealing? Bad manners? Domineering personalities? Infidelity? Irresponsibility and laziness? Poor personal hygiene? Inconsiderate ways? Some will quickly and boldly say hit the door while others will merely take it on the chin for the “good” of the relationship without a fight and hope for a better day to come!
While every situation is different, one woman may have a cheating man who adds nothing to the pot as she may be independent of him and is empowered to quickly tell him to leave while another woman may be dependent on her philanderer and be intimidated by the outside world and choose to stay for the luxury of the lifestyle he provides.
So as you can see, it is not as simple as you think as far as having a one size fits all answer to this controversial issue.
What are the Unpardonable Relationship Sins and what might we do when they are committed?
Do tune in to this program Friday night without fail and let the fireworks begin!
Time: Friday, February 17, 2012 @ 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Place: The LanceScurv Talk Show <——-Click here to be redirected to the show page at the time of the program.
Call In Number: 760-259-2310 Call in to listen or join in with your opinions on the discussion. You DO NOT need a computer to participate in the show, all you need is your phone.
Click the Blog Talk Radio or YouTube widgets below in order to enjoy the rebroadcast of this entire show!
Sounds interesting. For me, I can't stand disrespect, materialism and insensitivity towards others