Sister Heidi once again nails it in this very necessary dialogue where she breaks down the daily challenges that Black men experience everyday in this society that cause us great stress and for the most part I believe shortens our life expectancy, I have to applaud her for her acknowledgement of a phenomenon that is invisible to most but is felt by many.
Why is it that others can cry out for there cause but when a Black men or woman does so it is quickly dismissed as unnecessary whining? We have got to have more discussions like this in order to become free of this burden that seriously handicaps the quality of life that we have in this world. The demonizing of Black men has got to stop and we’ve also got to stop following the lead of this racist society because many of us put our own Sisters and Brothers in order to gain some type of perceived approval for a status upgrade with the very people who want nothing but death and destruction for you and I!
Thank you Heidi, we are in a struggle and constant pain and your soothing words have made a world of a difference in my day today! As Black people let us put down the swords that we try chop each others heads off and show love, peace and camaraderie with each other. If the sword must be utilized then let it be against the system and those who benefit from it because in their mind we are the enemy and we must stay down in order for them to maintain their evil legacy over us!