The “N” word!
Nigger to be exact.
Don’t act shocked!
You’ve used the word before.
Why can’t we talk about it?
Why seek to stop the label while condoning the behavior?
Can you rip the label from a container of poison and not expect it injure or even kill the individual who consumes it? Why not seek to destroy the high profit “niggardly” images that these clever and devious media outlets so aggressively fed to our youth? Once the behavior ceases, the label is rendered powerless. Once we carry ourselves in the highest manner of God-like dignified state of being, those who choose to address us with that label will appear quite foolish.
But if the truth be told, many of us actually justify the use of this word on our people to the degree that we have transgressed from the Lord’s blueprint for righteous living in all aspects of our life. How can we as men shake being called a “nigger” when we are calling our precious Queens and mothers of our great future empires” bitches and hoes?”
Only a damn nigger WOULD be so dumb to do that!
How can some of our beautiful women be respected as the Queens that they were made to be when all they feel they have to offer to the world and a man is two fat denim encased gyrating well rounded swiveling ass checks? Now you all know that I am not speaking of all of our sisters, I am proud of those who understand that they are also made to be the thinkers, movers and shakers (Not the booty now, at least not publicly! Only for your husband behind closed doors!) of our starving communities.
If we as Black people carry ourselves as to reflect the example of God’s true presence in our lives, walking in line with all that is right and ordained, then those who are so determined to still call us out of our name are in essence calling God a nigger! And to all of the white supremacists (Known and unknown, seen and unseen!) reading this may I ask, if by your twisted scales of judgment you would call the Almighty a nigger, what do you think your fate will be on that beautiful and eagerly anticipated Judgment Day when you realize through His children you have been calling the Highest of High the lowest of all lows all of your life in a tradition that is amerikkkan as apple pie?
And how can one be white supremacist and worship the nigger who created the Heavens, The Earth,Sun, Moon & the Stars…….breathed life into every living creature who dwells on the face of this planet? One who feeds you, One who woke you up this morning, One who keeps your heart beating when in your arrogance you don’t even realize that you have absolutely NO say so in even KEEPING your heart beating to nourish your cells with fresh blood even as you sleep! How can you hate the fruit and love the tree?
………and if you are so “supreme”, then why can’t YOU do all of the mighty aforementioned things that MY Father can do?
No wonder the slave master fought so hard to keep us so called niggers separated from their dysfunctional two faced schizophrenic houses of so called worship. Christianity is the most segregated so called “religion” in North America and the entire world!
You realized how hypocritical you would look to yourselves and the entire human family worldwide. In the morning worshipping the cross that a Black man named Jesus was hung on as a sign of eternal life, then later on that night burning the same cross in the front yard where the people who look like Jesus live as a sign of impending death!
No longer will WE bear the consequences for the sickness of an entire nation!
We have already moved into an entirely different time period in history and your oppressor knows this. Stop living down to the lower expectations of a mindset of people who project onto you what they think you should be to justify their supremacy!
Pull your pants up, put down those damn headphones and get to work in educating your mind and affecting your community so that you can take your rightful place amongst the elite of the entire human family and STOP making a buffoon of yourself on the world stage!
Stop putting this prepared trash into your mind and truly take a look at the reality around you. Allow yourself to get righteously angry at what you see once you realize how badly you’ve been hoodwinked and immediately get involved in your world leaving an impression on this planet from the legacy that you have left because of the one life that you have fully utilized to make a difference!
This is what strikes FEAR in your enemy!
Nowhere else on the face of this earth do Black people behave like we do over here in the United States of America! This should show you and prove without a shadow of a doubt that the art of “Niggerism” was cultivated over hundreds of years right here in this place called Amerikkka!
Always think of yourself as a world citizen, not merely an American citizen. Think beyond the restrictive borders of this wicked nation. Here in the U.S. they call you a minority, but as a world citizen THEY are the minority. But they wish for you not to know this.
The ever growing numbers of Black men who have been rescued from the indoctrination of the Niggeristic mentality do not have to go to a law enforcement academy or enlist in the military in order to be an impressive example of a soldier for righteousness once they discover the knowledge of their true nature, purpose and mission in this world. But those who are ordained as police officers with their limited pseudo power have a problem with the Black men who walk strong in their communities in the GOD given authority that runs so much deeper and stronger than the tactics, tricks and gimmicks that these cops have been trained in.
You can’t study yourself into the possession of the third eye!
That is something that comes naturally to us, that is why you are fascinated with that extra “something” that has always been something that’s “out of your reach!”
There is a power that we have and it drives you crazy to know that you can never have it. You know I speak the truth. This is why you harass us like you do and never give us a break. You try so hard to keep us dumbed down, entertained and hedonistically driven so that we cut our own power and ability of walking in the spirit.
Your insecurities are so obvious to many of us who have been on this earth for a good amount of time and it is the duty of us to teach the younger generation of your wicked games that are designed to keep us crazy and out of our minds filling your jails/prisons guaranteeing your bank accounts to always being full from the profits earned from privatization.
As long as we are not properly walking in our God given path, it gives you reason to paint us as animals and therefore justifying your actions against us.
This is why no matter your stance on his politics, the ascension of President Barack Obama as a world leader was such a blow to those who thrived on showcasing the Black man of America at his worst. The world HAD to ask themselves how could such a Black man exist like Barack Obama after we have been shown how bad, how lazy, how stupidly pleasure driven they are as men? Surely we must rethink how we absorb the images coming out of the American media after witnessing the rise of someone so intelligent, so articulate and so much of a faithful loving family man!
President Barack Obama destroyed decades of anti-Black media propaganda in just a few short months of campaigning for the Presidency!
An American Black man who “ain’t” a Nigger?
Now WE know better than that because we ALL know a Barack Obama personally but understand there are those in other countries and cultures who only know us to be the Niggers that are portrayed on the big screen!
The creation of Niggers in the United States of America is the biggest hustle on the face of the earth! But it’s a hustle that will surely soon come to an end as the light of God shines over all ignorance to awaken the sleeping giant.
Then the existence of Niggers will cease forever more and the world will see you for who YOU really are!
Trust me, 2012 is so much MORE than just a movie…….
Mark my words and stayed tuned. The righteous have NOTHING to worry about. Only those who prefer to remain Niggers.
understanding the nigger mind…