Everybody wants. But nobody wants to give.
Even the act of giving for the most part is a cold-hearted calculated ploy to place the giver in a favorable position to extract the resources of the recipient down the line to receive a return on the investment on the initial gift.
Sincere on the surface? It appears so.
Devious to the bone. Of course, peel back the skin and see what meat that you are really about to sink your teeth into.
Scary isn’t it?
This is the reality of modern day human nature, the average of which is like that gooey sludge in the bottom of the river after a major oil spill! If you can’t figure out what I meant by that, just say that it’s ugly for the most part.
Gone are the days when kind gestures were executed just because, without secret intentions and secret motivations, without the hopes of getting some advantage down the line for personal gain, whether it be of a financial nature, status enhancement or to increase job prospects and success. No matter what the circumstances, literally no one does anything for anyone merely out of the kindness of their heart. Well, let me correct that, I know that there are good people out here but there are far too little of them to spread around.
Let me share a quick tale of my encounter with those far too few Good Samaritans who appeared just when I needed them the most, after being an unwilling and unexpected participant in a hit and run accident while driving my bus on my very last run on a very tranquil, peaceful and I must say uncharacteristically beautiful Sunday evening.
After getting a dose of hard reality as to the depths of wickedness that human nature can sink to, those two Good Samaritans returned back swiftly to the scene of the accident after the mystery vehicle that hit my bus took off into the night with proof that there is a God above after they shared with me the tag number that they acquired after taking charge and chasing the guilty party down and not only that but they took a photo of the vehicle as it sped off into the night!
They didn’t even have to do that but they did!
How many of us will go the extra mile for someone to help them without looking for some type of compensation immediately in return?
Everybody wants. But nobody wants to give.
As broke and poor as I am, I can say that I am literally approached every day online here by some person who wants to profit from the amount of people that I am connected with here as a cyber family! They see dollar signs were I see kindred spirits! They see money where I see love!
They get really rattled when I say that I don’t do what I do here for money but I do it out of a labor of love! This really rattles these hucksters, I mean, everyone reading this is NOT stupid! You know when you see a hustle coming your way and while it might get past your defenses for a short time, it won’t be too long before your spirit of discernment kicks in big time to see that person for what they really are.
You see, this bond that I have for you is NOT for sale! And while I will be placing things from time to time for many who desire them for purchase, it is only because THEY asked me to do so. But this is the nature of the beast in this thing called human nature if left unchecked.
An uncontrolled human nature in its most raw manifestation prowls the earth seeking all who they can devour. They do not see you as a fellow human being with emotions, feelings and aspirations. They only see you as an opportunity and nothing else, if you have something, ANYTHING that can benefit their ruthless agenda, then they will plot to cause you to part with the object of their desire to make it theirs.
They do not care of the carnage that they will undoubtedly leave in their path. For you are to be sucked in, chewed up and spit away after you have outlived your usefulness in their life.
Plain and simple, this is the way it works time and time again as I have been the victim of these life force suckers and have a few around me in the present who are waiting to take their shot at my resources no matter what they may be!
The one thing that I can say to you is that you must be careful to whom you allow into your inner circle, because these entities will masquerade as your close friend in order to get into a good position to steal all that they can before vanishing out of your life and into thin air like they never even existed in your world.
When you are a kind, loving and giving person they are attracted to you because of the righteous light that shines from your inner soul. This is a light that they get excited to see because of the deceitful opportunities that they see but hate it with all of their heart because they know that they are really the invert and flip side of all that your are.
Evil people know that they are evil deep down inside and will put on the outside show of righteousness merely to convince themselves if only for a time that they are not really all that bad.
This is a topic that I am definitely going to continue exploring over the years (God willing) because there are layers to the human spirit that can run deeper than the deepest waters and can take a lifetime to scratch the tip of the iceberg for sure!
But the one thing that I would say to never do is to stop shining your light merely because you’ve been burned by one who has allowed their human spirit to go unchecked and uncultivated, you cannot allow the negative side of this equation have the victory over you and your life mission to enlighten those that need it because God Himself understands how tough a battle it will be when you have made the choice to walk in the spirit as opposed to someone who wants to usurp the goodness of YOUR spirit for their own deviant purposes!
Stay strong. Walk boldly. Keep your eyes open and do what is was that God placed you here for!
Peace & Righteous Love Always,
Your Brother,