Madamwhipass once again brilliantly and boldly breaks down a connection that many have not been aware of in this whole Bill Cosby sexual assault scandal witch-hunt.
She explains in detail the influences coming from confirmed pedophile Alfred Kinsey of the Kinsey Institute on the minds of Hugh Hefner and possibly Bill Cosby who both have shared a friendship.
To hear the Madam break down this very crucial bit of information causes a whole new light to be shed on how deeply rooted this situation is embedded in our society behind the cloak of what is accepted to be official findings and truth.
Upon hearing this conversation you will begin to understand that nothing in that shadowy world of Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion is what it appeared to be on the surface.
That being said – whatever the eventual outcome will be – the listening public will surely know that what we are being told in public runs much deeper and much more higher than we can see in the present.
This will definitely get more interesting and revealing as time goes by and we will surely have more to say on this hot topic over the next few weeks!
I encourage everyone to share their views on this topic by leaving your perspectives in the comment area below. God bless!
Bill Cosby: Sexual Predator Or Victim?:
Beverly Johnson I don’t believe her. Beverly Johnson is being paid by the Illuminati and Beverly needs a job. It is a structured hit because of what he was trying to do. Build a community and tv station focusing on positive black people. THEY stopped it cold!
I am sorry but I don’t believe these women. Bill Cosby and these woman are part of a secret society of sex, drugs and rock and roll. The goal is to destroy him. They are all involved of Boule.
Ich feier dich sooo Extrem , mach weiter so lass dir nix von hater oder so sagen sei du selbst !!Viel Erfolg bei deiner YT Karrire
Ich feier dich sooo Extrem , mach weiter so lass dir nix von hater oder so sagen sei du selbst !!Viel Erfolg bei deiner YT Karrire
Alvaro!!! no me pierdo ningún video tuyo!! eres genial sigue asíun besazo enorme guapo
Alvaro!!! no me pierdo ningún video tuyo!! eres genial sigue asíun besazo enorme guapo
Madam gave a lot of insight
why didnt go to the police?
Very good show. I was discussing this with a friend recently, and brought up the *exact* same issue of the Playboy Mansion connection. I had expressed the opinion,’If you hang out with Hefner, your already very, very suspect with your personal life and choices.” Even if he *never* did anything sexual at the mansion, he would certainly see all manner of stuff around him…. On a side note, in Cali, there is a very popular jazz station called,’KKJZ’, which has sometimes mentioned a festival/event *sponsored* by The Playboy Mansion, and Cosby was often in attendance(Or guesting with someone on drums in the past). I recall thinking,’Why, is Cosby, an upstanding citizen, having anything to do with something sponsored by the Playboy name’?? Apparently, it’s a long standing jazz event, but it also makes one wonder, how many famous jazz names are invited back to the mansion after this affair?
Don’t be surprised if a sex video of Bill Cosby surface. Certain researchers claim that Hugh Hefner is an Illuminati/c.i.a asset used to help spurn the sexual revolution and sexual depravity. Hidden cameras may have been placed throughout the Playboy mansion used to entertain higher ups and to later on blackmail certain powerful individuals.
Hi jaba I have some questions pls write back when possible:) or chat on skype: andrewhernandas no capitals pls answer back
Hi jaba I have some questions pls write back when possible:) or chat on skype: andrewhernandas no capitals pls answer back
♥♥♥Hey Julia♥♥♥*Ich fand das Video echt super klasse! Ich finds echt interessant zu sehen was für Produkte lush so alles hat. Ich war noch nie bei lush und habe ehrlich gesagt auch noc nie einen lush gesehen. Testen würd ich die Sachen schon mal gerne aber sie sind mir einfach etwas zu teuer. Ich müsste schon echt seeehr überzeugt von einem Duschgel sein, um dafür 10€ (oder mehr) auszugeben. Naja es würde mich echt mal interessieren wie die luah Sachen so sind… deshalb würd ich gern gewinnen xD**Ps: jaaa haha ich hab im Erdkunde Unterricht aufgepasst xDGanz liebe Grüße! :)*Instagram: summerkid001
Beverly Johnson has made the same alegations about two of her ex boyfriends and retracted her allegations …she is full of crap..
Does the woman know Ms Johnson lied before about domestic violence and that she is friends with Janice Dickerson? I think she believe Beverly Johnson because she is black.
I am not a fan of rumors and heresy. It is a waste of my time to even bother listening to people who judge people based on unsubstantiated evidence. Thanks but no thanks.
Is anyone curious what this drug was that last for so long and what type of drug is able to knock you out yet you are able to remember the exact details FORTY years later? What drugs were available in the 60s, 70s and 80s capable of knocking out so many women and not one of them ever suffered a complication that we know of? Bill Cosby must be a real a doctor in real life. An anesthesiologist to be exact.
valid points raised by Madam. But Damon has a point to, when has a white woman ever accused a Black man of rape and was ignored? Guess we’ll see.