In a move that I feel many in the Black Community are unaware of, Hispanic Media Giant Univision purchased the leading Black News Site – The Root – in a move that many feel is a step “up” in the right direction or is it?
Why are so many corporate entities interested in owning various manifestations of Black Media?
Our Black owned print media is literally non-existent and our Black radio stations are becoming relics in the corporate takeover of all things Black!
What many of us as Black people do not understand is that if we do not own the platforms of direct communication then our information flow will be compromised because someone else will decide what is important news for us or not.
This hijacking of our communication lines will undoubtedly influence our thinking and ultimately our perceptions in elections, personal decisions and how we relate to each other because it will be one big complicated game of telephone with the final message being something else other than what it started out as.
Also, with Black Americans possessing approximately ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in spending power, anyone who owns any influential Black News Platform will be basically writing their own checks because they will have a captive audience through the advertisements that they will ultimately have the first options on.
No matter what the culture is that snatches our communication lines on a Corporate level, NO ONE will ever put their best interests aside to benefit someone else when there is so much money to be made through deceptive influence.
So many people simply can’t STAND Black people but they damn sure love the money that we so freely give…….
Think about it.
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