You don’t have to blow a guy just because he asked you
Don’t let him take your virtue just because he passed you
Know who you are dealing with or he’ll make an azz of you
If he is a psychotic, it could result in it being the last of you
Young ladies watch who you model because if it’s not a leader
Your life will be in shambles if you follow a classless bleeder
Because you cannot see the results yet you’ll think all is fine
You’re headed to destruction when the blind is led by the blind
You may run from an older woman who tries to tell you right
You see her coming your way, you immediately get out of sight
You don’t have to blow a guy just because he asked you
Don’t let him take your virtue just because he passed you
Know who you are dealing with or he’ll make an azz of you
If he is a psychotic, it could result in it being the last of you
A Christian is a sinner who knows they have been forgiven
Their past is redirected so it’s a life like Christ they’re living
The first thing someone will say is no one should cast a stone
It’s wrong to stay quiet or leave someone who needs help alone
Obviously whenever we sin, Satan sets us up for what we get
It is best within the sanctity of marriage whenever we have sex
You don’t have to blow a guy just because he asked you
Don’t let him take your virtue just because he passed you
Know who you are dealing with or he’ll make an azz of you
If he is a psychotic, it could result in it being the last of you
Don’t show younger ladies wrong and teach them to be dumb
All older women should share wisdom with the younger ones
The results of sin catches up with some sooner than later
Young ladies do whats right -and do not try to be a player
Some of us made wrong choices, mistakes and was disobedient
But we learned in life’s recipe, God has to be the main ingredient
You don’t have to blow a guy just because he asked you
Don’t let him take your virtue just because he passed you
Know who you are dealing with or he’ll make an azz of you
If he is a psychotic, it could result in it being the last of you
Watch who you follow!
Copyright c 2011by Arene of