Brother Michael Hamer returns with a very powerful word that is sure to stimulate you so deeply that it will cause you to see many things differently.
His manner of speech is so powerful not once does he have to raise his voice to affect you in this very powerful way.
His perspectives and delivery in his soft-spoken way hit harder than anything you have ever experienced.
We must return to our true nature and brother Michael Hamer illustrates this in several different ways why we must have a powerful sense of urgency to do so.
While you’re at it I want you to look at the category on the left side of this blog after scrolling down a bit and click on the Michael Hamer link which will bring you to all of his previous works on The LanceScurv Show.
It’s an honor to showcase this great man on this platform and he will always leave you elevated, motivated with a renewed state of mind regardless as to the topic he speaking on.
Feel free to leave your perspectives on this topic in the comments section below and thank you for spending your precious time here with us and you’re always welcome to come back anytime.
Your Brother,