“I’m waiting on the Lord!”
“I’m praying for my breakthrough to one day arrive!”
“It will all happen when the Man above wants it to happen!”
“I’m blessed and highly favored!”
Why is it that these statements are so common in some of the poorest Black communities that are exploited by others who have taken control and have so much power yet don’t believe in the same religious hierarchies that the downtrodden hold as the undisputed truth?
Why do many of us appear to be content in our stagnant position in the world while others pass us by to achieve so much more while we dream and spout these slogans that get us nowhere?
While I would never demonize an entire people, I would say that too many of us have been rendered powerless and ineffective in our lives when it comes to locking in and taking action to the righteous principles that others have mastered oh so well while we have spent generations watching from the sidelines in amazement.
The proven principles of attaining success are there for everyone and are not exclusive to any particular religion, race or culture.
If you want to work toward altering your reality for the best then it’s up to you to set your goals and work toward it instead of using religious rhetoric as an excuse to sitting down and doing nothing to making it happen.
The choice is yours as to whether you desire to do better or not but realize that the clock never stops ticking and time is more precious than we realize!
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LanceScurv is an Insightful Culture Critic, Entertaining Podcast Host, Relentless Blogger, Talented Cartoonist & Omnipotent Social Media Activist who focuses on the issues that the Mainstream Media is deathly afraid to touch and living an interesting productive life to the fullest! Subscribe!
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