The “there” that you have always craved is the “here” that you are experiencing right at this very moment.
Whether you are happy in the “here” that you are experiencing you have to understand that you are “there” because of every decision that you made in this life to get you to this point whether you take responsibility for it or not.
Too many of us are projecting in to the future saying to themselves and everyone that “when I get there” things will be different and “when I get there I will be more successful” not knowing that the “there” that they want to get to is based on the “here” that they are in and what they are doing now!
We seem NOT to have a clue that the rhythm of our past unless broken is the beat that we will dance to in our future. Our trajectories can ONLY be changed by us and until we gaze deep within we will always find ourselves at the same place around the same people time and time again!
First of all, understand that there is no “there”, it’s all about the here and now. Like a tourist driving a rented vehicle in a strange land who is so caught up in sightseeing, he forgets to keep an eye on what is immediately in front of him because his gaze is so far off soaking in the view of the landmarks and points of interest…….a dangerous place to be that inevitably causes him to collide unnecessarally with things that should have been under his watchful eye as he drove that vehicle.
We are the same as we navigate through life, we are very seldom “in the moment” and soaking in the joy of the present. We are either uptight over a situation that we believe is coming in our immediate future or are pissed off at something that we had to deal with in our past, usually something that we cannot change anyway.
Instead of reliving that past situation in our heads over and over we should see the good in it by the wisdom received and throw away the specifics of that incident only keeping what could benefit us in our future to ensure that it never happens again. Finding ourselves in the same type of uncomfortable and nonproductive situation time and time again in this life is an indication that we haven’t learned from our past and will continue to wear ourselves down in a manner that never had to be.
You cannot be angry with anyone but yourself when you find yourself in a bad situation that really was always under your control by the gift of free will but ultimately you also have to know that you have the power to rise above those same situations if you focus your energies positively in the present and stop worrying about the past and stressing over the future.
The future will fall into place if you create a framework of goals and methodically work toward them, but put you head down into the work that must be done TODAY so that the beautiful future that you desire will manifest faster than you can imagine.
Shun the company of those who spend their time “posturing” about what they desire their future to be like with absolute no true specific goals that were mapped out to making it happen. These are the people who will drain you faster than a chronic gambler drains his wife’s bank account in a night of wonton gambling leaving them with no way to pay their mortgage.
A bad position to be in indeed.
While you just might have to bear a little pain or discomfort now in order to reach that glorious future always remember that it is NEVER recommended that you react to the soon to be vanished factors that are bringing you that pain and discomfort, because to do so is to only give those factors a great amount of power to hold you right there and in essence those negative forces will have the victory over your life.
Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it and “act” only at the opportune time that will bring you the maximum results with the minimum of confrontation. Remember, this is the computer age and the age of constant surveillance, the only thing that you are guaranteed to have private are your thoughts as only God can read them and no one else. So the only thing that can bring you down is to act in a manner that will hold you back.
For example, when on a job that you are on that might not necessarily be your dream job or career, know that there will always be those who “see” your potential and will do everything in their power to either keep you there by the discouraging words of doom that they speak or do all that they can to get you terminated from your employ there so that your grand plans and ultimate goals will take a hit because your immediate need to pay the bills will take precedence over the manifestation of your dreams.
You are not to get caught up in any exchange with these types because you know that your future is great and the talents that you possess from within will cause these entities to be a faded memory in your distant past one day and will only be a footnote in your memory if even THAT much! The frustration that they TRY to deliver into your life will be forgotten as you bask in the victory of your new life that came from your dogged determination to stay on course with your commitment to personal growth.
So do all you can RIGHT NOW to manifest the “there” that most people speak and yearn for but are too caught up in everything else to realize that their “there’s” begin with what they put into action right “NOW!”
As long as you can make yourself a “degree” better than you were the day before to equip yourself and be prepared for when opportunity knocks, your day was a successful day that brought you closer to what your God has promise whether it is manifest as of yet for the world to see right now or not!
It’s just a matter of time so hold on and believe as you put into effect the principle of hard work!
Then the “there” that you always craved will soon be your “present!”