ORDINARI U continues to delve even deeper into her experiences with a man who deceived her in the beginning of their passionate relationship only to find out that he was an emotionally unavailable man.
He was also a narcissist, one who never knew what true love was as well as sympathy, joy, happiness and true connectness. Men like this who are narcissistic will feign and mirror those loving feelings that a good woman craves so much to the point that they’re feeling like they’ve hit the relationship jackpot and swear that this is the absolute best man that they’ve ever had!
What they’ve allowed into their lives was something that appeared to be a soulmate but ended up being nothing more than a paper thin cardboard cutout of an image of a soulmate.
All artificial plastic plants with flowers look good to that bumble bee until they land on it!
We’ve got to stop trusting appearances and test the spirit over the long haul and force these predatory entities to earn their way in to your heart or hit the road after revealing who they truly are. Time always reveals the truth in all shadowy deceptive situations so you are to allow time to work in your behalf because the facade of these narcissistic men can only last for so long.
Don’t give your precious loving and support away to a man who doesn’t deserve it. Listen in to Sister Ordinari U and be encouraged by the strength that she possesses to overcome this great obstacle as you can too!