So the United States Embassy in Uganda has sponsored a protest encouraging homosexuals to gather to speak out for their so-called rights. What kind of twisted foolishness is the United States backing in having the nerve to go into another country who have their own set of rules in their own culture to encourage disorder for something that is clearly not welcome in Uganda.
If the United States feel so strong about empowering people to be able to do what they can already freely do in the privacy of their bedrooms, than why doesn’t the United States extend instant citizenship for the women who like to eat a clit/vagina combo and the men who like to suck on sperm-laced dodo coated penises and take it up the rear as well as licking smelly backsides?
Why is it so important to cause trouble in someone else’s country when you have so many problems and tragedies in your own? Also, why is it so important for this global push emphasizing sodomy, especially on the continent of Africa and specifically aimed at Black Africans?
Most who are not under the spell of the propaganda laced mind controlling mainstream media machine don’t realize that Africa is the richest continent on the planet, and without Africa the world would die, because of its resources and it being the food basket of the world. These global elitists want Black Africans to not ever wake up to what they have so valuable underfoot and to put into their heads something that is the worst ideology to have and the perfect sinister plan to destroy the Black African family.
What has homosexuality done for the advancement and strengthening of the Black African family?
…….I thought so.
We as Black Africans have become so foolish as to embrace anything coming out of the dysfunctional Western mentality while refusing to see that we need to spend time to build OUR future with OUR resources. Someone wants us destroyed as a collective people and they do not want us unified, especially since they have evaluated our worth through our resources and want us gone while they can take what we have an abundance.
If the United States wants to stick their noses in the business of the African nations, trhen why don’t they seek to halt the raping of the precious resources that they and their allies partake in only to call these country “third world” nations? But for all of the injustices levied on a people the United States remain silent on them because they are the biggest culprits in these crimes!
The emulate their twisted ways without question and we fully embrace and allow their demons and their sicknesses into our pure ways of life easily rejecting our culture that has held us together for countless millenia to throw it all away in exchange for the poison called the Western mentality.
I applaud the great bold president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, for locking up those 13,000 rabble-rousers who are political puppets of the west. Since the United States seems to care about them so much, let us suggest sending them to the United States, all 13,000 just the same way there accepting these illegal migrants freely into the country without even this much as a background check. Uganda should make an offer to the United States to take in these people who are diametrically opposed to the traditional African way of life which does not condone or embrace anything that remotely looks like homosexuality.
There is nothing progressive about this death-style, nor does seeking to be the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah do anything to elevate the positioning of Black African people as it actually degrades us down to the level of these cave beasts whose only purpose on this planet is to be a virus and to destroy all things natural and righteous.
I am a big advocate for privacy and anyone who wants to indulge in any type of activity behind closed doors I feel has the right to do so. But when an entire country encourages a protest to disrespect the culture and countrty that already exists there I now have a problem with that.
If behind closed doors you want to eat poison, go right ahead.
If behind closed doors you want to stick needles to deliver drugs to your veins even though you’re probably mentally sick for doing so, then go right ahead.
If you want to take feces and spread it over your whole entire body like and tell yourself it’s a mud mask, then feel free to do so.
But don’t ignore your own mentally sick society to encourage the same sickness in another part of the world that has a government that is more focused on building their country, infrastructure, economy, gross domestic products, educational standards, healthcare systems, overall safety and quality of life to focus on a spiritual poison and moral wickedness that will do nothing to advance the country of Uganda.
Call this hate speech all you want because I don’t give a damn!
The sad part about it is too many of you who claim to stand for righteousness sit down like the cowards you are and be paralyzed with fear at the thought of opening your mouth to speak what you know is right. You religious figures who claim to love God yet refuse to stand up for truth please go ahead somewhere and sit down because you are worthless and are not the representative of universal righteousness which is BIGGER than your man made religious hierarchy.
It is obvious that in this present day and time that the entire system of rule globally for the most part needs to be busted up, torn down never to return again to allow proper balance to be restored on all levels so that the world can thrive in a manner that our universal Creator and giver of life meant it to be.
I have no problem with anyone who disagrees with my words and I encourage you or rather, DARE to state your case if you are opposed to these views.
Thank you for reading this rant and I look forward to hearing from you and feel free to repost and/or reprint this article as long as you share the link to this website.
It is amazing how the U.S.A is always working on causing confusion and trying to implement things that they will not allow someone from another country to do in American soil.
Excellent commentary sir! It is so refreshing to witness the changing political landscape of Africa turning more to helping our people prosper and doing away with colonization.